Solidaridad Internacional
About us
With who


About us
History and Foundation. 
  • On October 31, 1989, Nazioarteko Elkartasuna - International Solidarity was founded with the name of the BASQUE ASSOCIATION FOR COOPERATION "INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY". Being founding people: José Luis Marcos Merino; Rosa María Diez González; Ana Isabel García; and M. del Carmen Rodríguez. And a Steering Committee chaired by Nicolás Gutiérrez Saiz is elected; with a vice president-1st María Dolores de Juan de Miguel; a vice president-2nd Jorge Baños Miguelez; and with two members Kandide Ibarrondo Elorriaga and Manuel Fernández Ramos.
  • On July 19, 2000, it was agreed to modify the name to become NAZIOARTEKO ELKARTASUNA - SOLIDARIDAD INTERNACIONAL.
  • On June 26, 2006, Miguel Ángel Marín García was appointed president of the Steering Committee. Subsequently, on June 25, 2012, Nadia Karina Gamboa Rosales was appointed president.
  • Since June 23, 2014, the Steering Committee has been chaired by Benjamín Respaldiza Fernández and has: María Soledad Martínez Andrés as vice president; with Paulino Antuñano Maruri as secretary; with Juan Carlos Pérez Cuesta as treasurer. And it also has seven members: Amara del Carmen Sainz de Rozas Miñaur; María Milla Ortiz de Zárate; Carmen Vidal Marsal; Carmen García Roblas; Zigor Marcos Egurrola; and María Asunción Martínez Andrés.
Mission, Vision and Cooperation Model.
  • Our MISSION is the eradication of poverty and inequalities with a feminist perspective, addressing its economic, religious, cultural and environmental causes, as well as the extension of freedom and equal rights in the world. In coherence, we implement programs that contribute to sustainable human development so that the impoverished people of the Earth take control of their own lives.
  • Our VISION is born from the value of fraternity between the women and men of the Earth and we work locally with a global and feminist perspective.
  • Our cooperation MODEL: strengthens the Civil Society Organizations (CSO) of the countries where we work; extends Fraternity, Equality and Liberty; and is based on the values of feminism and secularism, Human Rights and Justice and Universal Citizenship. In our initiatives, we implement sustainable social development, protecting the environment and ecosystems.
Management bodies, structure and social base: 
Ethical principles: 
Subscribed to the code of conduct of the ONGD Coordinator of Spain
Subscribed to the code of conduct of the ONGD Coordinator of Euskadi
Subscribed to the code of conduct of the Code of Conduct for Humanitarian Aid (Spanish)
CSR Mechanisms and Operating Rules:
CSR mechanisms and internal policies:
Strategic Planning: 
Statutes, Public Utility, Registry of Associations, Brand and Article of Incorporation
Activity Reports:                                                2015   2016   2017   2018   2019  2020  2021  2022 
Subsidized Projects and Funding Companies:                  2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020  2021  2022
External Audits Annual accounts:                           2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020  2021  2022
Own Funds:                                                               2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020  2021  2022
Balance sheet:                                                                                                                                       2022
Profit and loss account:                                                                                                                     2022
External audits of the Ecuador program:                                           2017   2018
External audits of Guatemala projects:                                                2018   2019
External audits of Nicaragua projects:                                        2017   2018   2019
Publications, Studies and Evaluations by territories
                            The new masculinities on both sides of the ocean (Spanish)
                            Water in La Guajira (Spanish)
                            More citizenship in El Salvador (Spanish)
                            Final Program Evaluation 2015 (Spanish)
                            Final external evaluation of the 2018 program (Spanish)
                          Economía y mujeres en el África subsahariana
                          Women and Cinema in Sub-Saharan Africa (Spanish)
                          ENVIRONMENT AND WOMEN IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA (Spanish)
                           WOMEN IN POLITICS IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA (Spanish)
                           LGTBIQ rights in sub-Saharan Africa (Spanish)
                            Model of care for adolescent female victims of Gender Violence (Spanish)                      
                            Evaluation of the New Masculinities process (Spanish)
                            Fifth Indigenous Electoral Observation Mission (Spanish)
                            Situación del Dº de las Mujeres a una vida libre de violencia
                            State of Citizen Participation with Equity (Spanish)
                             Plan de Gestion Unite de Transformation
                             Haiti: communities resilient to disasters (Spanish)
                            Lebanon. Adaptation strategies to Covid 19. (Spanish) 
                            Women of the Northern Caribbean Coast Nicaragua (Spanish)   
                            Women of the Northern Caribbean Coast Nicaragua (Spanish)  
                            Building development hand in hand with women (Spanish)                                                             
                            The challenges of the indigenous peoples of Nicaragua (Spanish) 
                            With the native peoples of the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua (Spanish)                                                 
                            Progress of the first period of the Program (Spanish)
                            Final external evaluation of the 2019 program (Spanish)
Perú:                    Peru: A clear commitment to equality and interculturality (Spanish)                                              
                            Peru: Participatory and inclusive decision-making spaces (Spanish)                                       
                            Final external evaluation of the 2017 program (Spanish)
                            Water in the Sahel! (Spanish)
                            Final external evaluation of project 2016 (Spanish)